By Trade4SD

2.3 - Trade4SD podcast
Interview with Ally Kirtley, PhD Candidate - University of Kent

2.2 - Trade4SD podcast
Interview with Alastair Bailey, Professor of Agricultural Economics, University of Kent

2.1 - Trade4SD podcast
Interview with Attila Jambor, Corvinus University, Trade4SD's coordinator

16. Trade - 4 Sustainable Development - Podcast
Interview with Hilkka Vihinen - Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)

15. Trade - 4 Sustainable Development - Podcast
Interview with Martin Banse - Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute

14. Trade - 4 Sustainable Development - Podcast
Interview with Stefan Tangermann, Member of Trade4SD External Advisory Board

13. Trade - 4 Sustainable Development - Podcast
Interview with Sophia Davidova, Professor of European Agricultural Policy, University of Kent

12. Trade - 4 Sustainable Development - Podcast
Interview with Vitaliy Krupin, Katarzyna Zawalinska, Błażej Jendrzejewski - Centrum Analiz Spoleczno-Ekonomicznych-Fundacja Naukowa (CASE)

11. Trade - 4 Sustainable Development - Podcast
Interview with Sergio René Araujo Enciso - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

10. Trade - 4 Sustainable Development - Podcast
Interview with Ralph Armah - Research Fellow, Institute of Statistical, Social & Economic Research (ISSER), University of Ghana Co-Lead, TRADE4SD Ghana Team

09. Trade - 4 Sustainable Development - Podcast
Interview with Mona Abdelhady - Researcher

04. Trade - 4 Sustainable Development - Podcast
Interview with Daniele Rossi - Managing Director for research & innovation in Confagricoltura

08. Trade - 4 Sustainable Development - Podcast
Interview with Roberto Henke, Maria Rosari Pupo D'Andrea and Federica Demaria - Researchers from CREA

07. Trade - 4 Sustainable Development - Podcast
Interview with Fatiha Fort - Full Professor at MoISA, University Montpellier, CIRAD, CIHEAM-IAMM, INRAE, Institut Agro, IRD, Montpellier, France.

06. Trade - 4 Sustainable Development - Podcast
Interview with Peter Quartey - Professor of Economics
Director, Institute of Statistical, Social & Economic Research (ISSER), University of Ghana
Lead, TRADE4SD Ghana Team

05. Trade - 4 Sustainable Development - Podcast
Interview with Ralph Armah - Research Fellow, Institute of Statistical, Social & Economic Research (ISSER), University of Ghana
Co-Lead, TRADE4SD Ghana Team

03. Trade - 4 Sustainable Development - Podcast
Interview with Bodo Steiner (Coordinator) and Mari Carlson (Co-Coordinator) - EU Horizon 2020 project MATS - Making Agricoltural Trade Sustainable - grant agreement no 101000751

02. Trade - 4 Sustainable Development - Podcast
Interview with Giovanni Ferri, Director of the Master in Management of Sustainable Development Goals at Università LUMSA
Member of Trade4SD External Advisory Board

01. Trade - 4 Sustainable Development - Podcast
Interview with Zoltan Kun, Wilderness Advocate WCPA member, nature conservation specialist